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     As a condition of zoning board approval, Old Orchard Airpark must remain a private, members-only operation. This precludes the Club from extending an open invitation to the general aviation public to fly in for a visit. Those interested in pursuing membership or learning more about us may wish to attend the monthly meeting held on the first Saturday of each month (except December) in the Clubhouse at Old Orchard Airpark, 10:00 a.m.

     There are three different membership options available to suit just about anyone’s means and interest level.

Membership Type
Initiation Fee
Annual Dues
Work Requirements
Social Member$500$8510 hour annual work requirementA Social Member may fly in for the day and enjoy all the privileges of membership except:
  • May not tie down or overnight
  • Voting limited to non-operational issues
  • May not hold office.
Full Member$1000$8510 hour annual work requirementA Full Member may tie down, has full voting privileges, and may hold office.
Full Member with Hangar Privileges$3000$8510 hour annual work requirementA Full Member with Hangar Privileges may own a hangar (solely) or co-own a hangar (with one or more members who are Full Member(s) with Hangar Privileges). There are presently 40 authorized hangar sites upon which members may build their own hangars. Memberships at this level are limited to availability of hangar sites. Members may also sell their hangars to other members who are at this membership level.

Tie Downs are currently $30 per month.

Land rental fee for hangar owners is currently $30 per month for a hangar up to 1200 square feet. Hangars over 1200 square feet incur a $0.025 per square foot surcharge (that's two and a half cents per sq. ft.)

All fees and charges are subject to change. The accuracy of the information on this website cannot be guaranteed; it is for general information only. The Club assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or otherwise inaccurate material found anywhere on this site.